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By Faisal Mohammed 200003703 EA4

This is a real story in our society. It leads to the loss of two of our brothers and friends. 

On March 17 2003, both of my friends Saqer and Ali passed away because of the speed they had driven the car. Saqer had a strong personality and he always was happy. He also liked to work in a big group. Ali was quite different from Saqer. Ali was kind, friendly and ambitious. On Monday night they came from Abu Dhabi and suddenly their car hit an iron wall in the road near Al Yahar. So, it was damaged and because they did not wear a seatbelt, the airbag did not save their life, as it can do. Now, we just talk about our happy memories of them.

Ali Mohamed Rashed Mohamed Alwan Al Ketbi

Saqar Mohamed Nader Mohamed Salhoum Al Qubaisi

Finally. I advice you to drive slowly and wear the seatbelt. Please wear the seatbelt! If we can remember these two men in any way let us remember them when we drive our cars. Everybody have to take the moral from this story.  In the end, we can say, “more hurry, less speed”.


I love this car! click here to 

read what students wrote about 

cars, cars, cars!


Abdulla Al Ameeri  reports on a series of visits by AAMC Foundations students to the UAE's National Avian Research Center 

A group of Foundations students is making 4 visits to the National Avian Research Center  as part of our environment project.

NARC was started in 1993 to look after the birds of the UAE especially the houbara bustard because it is an endangered species that means it could be extinct one day. The houbara is found in China, Pakistan, Kurdistan and other places.

Unfortunately birds are imported to the UAE illegally, many birds die just getting here. A lot of money is paid by falconers for the birds. NARC wants to stop the black market and protect the houbara by breeding them in in captivity.

On our first visit we learned a lot of things about houbara. The male displays when he wants to attract a female. Also we learnt how to look after the birds by the transmitter, first we tracked transmitters which were hidden in the desert.


We found out that there are two kinds of tracking :
1-Satellite tracking for birds which are faraway and we use the satellite to look after them.
2-Radio tracking, this type is used for the near birds and we learned how to use it. It was very easy and interesting.
That’s all about our first visit, and to be continued………


FIFA World Youth Championship


Read how AAMC students are involved in the organisation of this major international event.

click here for the full story

Update: this FIFA  event has been postponed!

Brand Power

Sophie Devonshire, a Dubai-based brand manager with experience at companies like Coke and Interbrand runs a session on branding with e-commerce level 4 business students. 

A Survivor's Guide to 

Al Ain Men's College

Read the full interviews 

 click here!


Interactivity with Interactive Limited!

EC5 meet one of the Movers and Shakers 

of Dubai Internet City

click to read the story


2002 National Day Celebration

read about the evening

More photos - click here


Click here to see more National Day Art Competition Entries
Click here to read about the Seer Baniyas Trip

By Ali Sharyan

Other stories: 

Student Award Ceremony

New Laptops Arrive

CA5 Do Business

The new look for the HCT Library 

130 units!! Read here about the AAMC Blood Drive 


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Last modified: March 23, 2003