The Oasis AAMC's Student Website




















The New look for the HCT Library  

by Sultan Ahmed Al-Dhaheri

 Do you feel at home when you are at the library?  In the past that was impossible but now it is a dream come true. I interviewed the supervisor of the library Kenneth Scott and I asked him about three important things for you guys to know.  What did the library look like before?  What are the things that you have changed in the library and why? What are your future plans for the library and how is your future plan going to be for the benefit of AAMC students?

          Actually, the library did not look that bad in the past, but there were some changes needed to be done.  In the past the library was smaller and there was not a good comfortable place for the students to study and read at.  Mr. Kenneth Scott told me in the past the library did not have rooms for the students to study in groups.  Another important thing that Mr. Scott told me about was the noise and the echo that gave students made it hard for students to concentrate.  Also in the past, the library faculty were not as visible as they are today.

          Therefore, Mr. Scott devised a plan to improve the library for the students.  There are a lot of things that have changed in the library if I count them it will probably take me three or four pages, so I will tell you about the most important things that have changed in the library. Now the library is a quiet place and that happened by exchanging the old carpet with a new one that is made in the United States.  This carpet sucks in all the noise and makes the place quiet. Another thing that Mr. Scott told me about is putting acoustic paneling on the dome because in the past students could hear the echo of their voices when they talked to each other.  There are more rooms for the students to study in groups.  Mr. Scott told me that these rooms were built because he knows that UAE students like to work together.  Currently in the library it is way easier to get help from the library staff.  And finally, don’t forget the instructors. There is a room specially made for them called Faculty Resource Room.  

Do not ever stop thinking of how to make things better. Guys you all going to love this.  Mr. Scott told me about some very impressive future plans for the library. I would love to get my hands on a computer laptop, what about you? In the next two to three mouths the library is going to have a computer laptop for the students to use and you are all going to be walking around the library with a laptop.  The laptops are going to be a wireless so you can move freely in the library and sit in a comfortable place that you been dreaming of sitting at with a computer on your lap. There are more plans for the library that Mr. Scott and the library faculty have in mind but you will have to wait for Mr. Scott’s future surprises.

          Don’t you think this sounds wonderful? And all the new things that the library has are for us, the students. Hey guys, do me a favor and please visit the library and see for your self the changes that have happened there.   


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Last modified: December 11, 2002