Your Worst Day
Have you ever had a really bad day? Below you can read some stories written by students about their worst day. You might want to submit your own by going to the link 'submit' (also at the bottom of the page) below and emailing your story with the subject 'worst day'. The Important Meeting One day last year was a bad day for me. That day I had to attend an important meeting at 8:00 in the morning. My boss said that I will be sorry if I don't attend the meeting on time. While I was driving my car to the work my car broke down. Then I left my car and took a taxi. The taxi man was driving very slowly so I shouted at him that I have an important meeting. He got angry and told me to get out of the taxi. I was so angry. Then I went to the work by foot. I was 30 minutes late. My boss was so angry with me. It was really my most awful day. I couldn't forget that day. After that, I went to garage to saw my best car then I asked the mechanic what problem he said that I didn’t have any oil in the engine and this was not good for the engine. by Humaid AL Darmaki IQ3
Another Meeting!
by Khaled Mohammed AL Neyadi.
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