The Oasis AAMC's Student Website





















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Sports Activities in Al Ain Men’s College 

On Tuesday the 10th of September David Jenns came to our class (CN1) and gave us a presentation on his role in the HCT. David is responsible for the physical education in the AAMC. He works also as the chair of the sports association for all the HCT colleges in the UAE. David has 2 degrees, a Bachelor in Physical Education and a Masters degree. He is interested in outdoor activities and he enjoys taking part in the activities that happen in the college.

David Jenns talks to CN1 about his role at the HCT.

Out door activities are also a part of David’s job. He offers a number of sports such as sailing, climbing and kayaking, which is a water sport. To practice this sport you need a small canoe with oars to paddle. In addition, trekking is considered one of the out door sports. This sport needs a high level of fitness and health. Trekking involves walking from one point to another often hundreds of kilometers.

Students also can find information about these activities on the college TV screens, display boards and the web page of the college where there is a magazine called “Oasis On Line”, however students who don’t know about some of these activities and are interested in working as part of a team and using their free time can also learn skills of leadership. If any students want to join these activities he must ask David Jenns about these and contact him at student services. 

How did the Question and Answer Session Work?


During the presentation David asked students some question and students asked him questions too, all the questions were about the sports offered in the HCT.

Some of questions David asked were:

bulletHow did you get involved in sport?
bulletWhat did you get out of the adventure activities?
bulletDid you learn anything about yourself were involved in the activities?

So he got many different answers from students and after that students asked some questions such as:

bulletWhy college doesn’t open all sport activity on the weekend?
bulletWhy doesn’t college make sport day once a month?
bulletWhy doesn’t the college build a swimming pool on campus?
bulletHow students will know about sport offered in the college?

as students asked the questions David made notes of students suggestions and told the group that he would follow up these suggestions with college management.

(story by CN1)


Follow the links below to current stories


Read about BA2's English trip to Al-Ain Camel Souk 

Read about BA2's English trip to Mercedes Benz show room at 

Read about BA2's English trip to Al-Mubazzarh visit at 

Read why Kevin Smith is wearing a uniform

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(03) 7820099
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Last modified: December 11, 2002