The Mosque at AAMC


The mosque is an important Place for the Moslem because it is the place for worship and prayer. So we have to take care of the mosques and try to make them always clean and comfortable. I study in Al-Ain Men's college and we have one mosque inside it. This mosque needs maintenance and paint and a new carpet. In addition, we needs some toilets beside the mosque and increase the number of places for Alwodo'a.


Moreover, we want the administration to improve the timetable to be suitable for pray time in order to allow the student pray on time. Not only that we want to choose one student for Athan, or calling for prayer and choose any one to work as Emmam to take care of the mosque and prayer. In conclusion, in my opinion the relationship between the students and mosque is very important to make us nearer to our religion.



Ali Hassan 980000422 , Waleed Mohamed 980004776, Khalid Salem   980005990