Class Timing


55 minutes is the new timing for each class at AAMC year 2002-2003.  Some of the students liked it and some didn't.  Last year each class was only 45 minutes. 


When we asked about this change people say that they the college have to decrease the number of the teachers so they took one class out and it became 4 classes each day. So now we only have 4 out of 5 classes a day.  

For the teachers that they have lost their job bad luck and for those how still teaching they have to do more preparations to fill the extra 10 minutes and that increases the workload for each one.


Student's opinions are different. Some of them when I asked, they say that they like the decrease the number of classes and some dislike the increase of the time. They say it's too long you get tired when you stay for 55 minutes.  In my opinion I think it's the same because if we count the time it's going to be the same 225 minutes a day. 


Abdullah Mohammed Alneyadi CA5