Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying at HCT
Every college or any university will have a positive
side and a negative side (advantages and disadvantages). Al-Ain Men’s College
is one of these colleges.
First of all we are going to look at the advantages
of Al-Ain Men’s College. For example students in HCT College gain and learn a
lot of good things. They start with little information and experience in
English but after they join the HCT they improve their skills in English
subject. In addition, they learn other skills like computer skills, for
example, they learn to use Microsoft word program like Windows, Excel,
PowerPoint and Access programs.
We have looked at the advantages of the HCT and now
we are going to look at the disadvantage of these colleges. The attendance
programs have major drawbacks. If you have been absent for a specific time for
a class you have to stop studying even if you almost finish the semester and
repeat it again. After that if you fail in English subject and passed in other
subject you should study the same semester again only English and this is a
real problem, which faces most of the students. Even, if you pass all other
English skills and fail one have to reset again and this not fair and a waste of
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Abdulla .N.Al-Dhaheri