One day and at the beginning of this New Year. When I was entering the college and for a few minutes I was thinking that I came to a wrong college. I thought maybe I entered to other college not Al Ain Men’s College or maybe I entered at an American University.


Do you know why I thought for that? That was because I saw a new thing that I didn’t have seen or heard about it before.  The new thing I had seen was the students.  I saw the students men's and women's are in the same place carrying their books and folders.  They were walking together in the halls and entering the classrooms and the labs in the ground floor and in the first floor.


What is happening in Al Ain Men’s College?!! Is it a real thing or I’m dreaming. Why there are some students from Al Ain Women’s College?? Why are they coming to AAMC? What is the reason for that? Do they don’t have enough space in AAWC or what? Do they want to cancel AAWC and bring all the students from it to AAMC and make one college in the future which calls Al Ain Men's and Women's College and contains all the men's and the women's? 


Does it come with the tradition and the religion of this country? Do the people will agree with this new thing? Do the parents will send their daughters to study with men's in a same place? Is it a good or bad thing? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Does HE Sheikh Nahayan Bin Mabarak Al Nahayan know about that? Does it only in AAMC or it’s the same thing in all HCT’s in the country? Who is the responsible and who will answer all this and other questions for the students?


We asked 35 students about their opinions for this new thing if they like women's to be with them in the same college or not.  30 students disagree, three students agree and two students didn't care.  I thing it will be a big problem and we must avoid it.