My favorite car

By:Ahmad AbdullaBin Bdwa



In this essay Id like to write about my car. First of all, I chose a car, which is very popular in this country especially. I think you which car I mean. The car is Nissan Patrol. The car color is light gray with white. It has a small line under the windows. I put in all windows a black color to protect my self from the sun. My car is full options it has two A_C one in front and the other one are in the back. Also all the chairs are leather. It also has a sunroof I can use in the summer season. I bought when it just arrived the same day. I bought it approximately 164000 DHS. I bought it from Al Masoud agency. I had a small problem which is you can’t start the car early in the morning from the first time. You need to try tow times to start. It didn’t start immediately but now it starts very good after they fixed in the company. I feel impressed from my car because it is very safe. The good thing about my car is it has warranty for three years and 6000 KM. Finally I cant live with out car because it takes you a long distance.